Maximize LinkedIn Sales Nav With This Time Saving Tip

October 26, 2023 - 1 minute read - LinkedIn, LinkedIn Tips, Sales Navigator

Here’s how to slash your Sales Nav prospecting time in half.

Leverage buyer personas.

Are you using this feature?

If not, you need to be.

It will make your life 10000x easier.

In this video above, I explain how to use the buyer persona feature.

Once it’s set up, Sales Navigator does all the legwork.

All you have to do is drill down and connect with your ICPs.

Have you tried this timesaving hack?

If not, I encourage you to set up your buyer personas in Sales Nav right now.

It will save hours of your time every week and allow you to find the right prospect faster.

Try Sales Nav for free for 60 days here.

If your team needs help identifying and connecting with targeted personas, reach out, and let’s chat.

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