New 1st Page Rankings…

March 16, 2011 - 4 minutes read - Blog

Recently updated as of March 2011 – 1st page rankings for local business clients and global clients. Let’s first start with some impressive global rankings achieved by Mod Girl Marketing. We have achieved so many that we only decided to show you a few, otherwise you’d be reading this whole page for days!

FYI: As you can see below many of these rankings are from the fitness niche, which is probably the most competitive niche we’ve encountered. Our other first page global rankings just wouldn’t be as impressive! Just something to think about as you check us out. 🙂

Global Campaigns

Ranking #4 with 185 million competing pages!

Note: We created this blog, got it ranking and then sold it, which is why it hasn’t been updated – but it’s still ranking awesome!

Ranking #3 – Campaign in Progress

Ranking #3 – Campaign in Progress

Ranking #5 – Campaign in Progress

And just because we love Glee..which, by the way, is another extremely competitive niche…(hence the Wikipedia and Tv websites)

Ranking #6 – Campaign in Progress

Listed below are some 1st Page Rankings that we have recently achieved for a couple of local business clients. Keep in mind just a few short months ago, both of these clients were no where to be found online. Their websites were buried in Google and other search engines, on the 5th page and beyond. Now they are showing up on the 1st page of Google for numerous keyword phrases.

Here are just a few:

1st Page Rankings for Clients:

Ranked #1, #2, and #3 – (Was on page 7 Before Mod Girl)

Ranking #1, #2, and #3 – Campaign in Progress

Ranking #1 and #2 – Campaign in Progress

Ranking #1, #2, #3, #5, #6, #7 –  Keyword: kc recording equipment

Ranked #2 – Campaign in Progress (was on page 5 before Mod Girl)

Ranking #1 and #2 – Campaign in Progress

Ranking #2 and #3 – Campaign in Progress

Ranking #1 – Campaign in Progress

Whew.. ok I think that’s enough! Did we prove our point? I mean if you need more proof just let us know and we’d be more than happy to show you. 😉

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Many of the campaigns listed above are still in progress and those rankings are expected to climb over the next several months. I know it’s hard to believe, but those are just a handful of the many first page rankings Mod Girl Marketing has achieved for clients, locally and globally.

View more of our work at our Portfolio

FYI: Many of the websites listed above were on the 5th page and beyond for every market keyword possible. So basically they were NO WHERE to be found (even those with keywords in the domain name)! That is, until we worked our magic and now they are showing up everywhere! And will continue to show up for more and more keyword phrases as we are constantly targeting more. Our goal is to have all of our targeted phrases reach the 1st Page in Google. We don’t quit until we get there! 🙂

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