How Much Time Do You Need To Spend On LinkedIn To See Results?

August 26, 2021 - 1 minute read - B2B, LinkedIn, LinkedIn Tips

LinkedIn is full of success stories.

But what does it actually take to see success on this platform?

How much time do you have to invest?

And how do you spend that time?

When Chris Walker joined me on my Ambitious Outcomes LinkedIn Live show, we talked about the amount of time he spends on LinkedIn.

Chris is one of the top B2B marketing voices on this platform. 

And his content has helped him grow a wildly successful business.

But it’s more than his content.

He mentions something else that is the driving force behind his LinkedIn success.

Watch this short 1-min clip above to see what he says.

We can train your team on how to effectively leverage LinkedIn to increase your brand’s social selling revenue. Here’s how:

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See also  Boost Your LinkedIn Content Strategy Through Curating
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