Four Tips To Help Your Small Business Thrive

October 16, 2020 - 4 minutes read - Business Growth, Contributed Posts

2020 has been a year of ups and downs for many businesses, and most of us have had to seriously readjust how we operate to survive. But whether it’s a year of a global pandemic or not, every successful business is constantly looking for ways to tighten up their processes. And that doesn’t mean cutting corners – it means increasing efficiency, going digital where you can, and making economic and efficient business decisions. Here are some of our top tips for thriving as a small business.

Make digital work for you

Whatever your business model, we’ve all learned over the past few months that we should be up to speed with technology and can actually get more from certain platforms than we realized. Virtus Flow is an effective way of managing your workflow. You can use this platform to optimize automation. Whether you want to create digital workflows or no-code apps, it’s worth checking out a platform that will do all the hard work for you so you can spend your time focusing on what matters for your business.

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Utilize your consumers

You might have a loyal customer base, but are they helping and supporting your business brand as much as they could? One of the most cost-effective ways you can increase awareness or your organization and brand is to really get your customers working for you – as ambassadors. It’s a simple idea – happy, satisfied customers want to talk about your product or service and they can be the most effective way of spreading the word about your business. Think about how much more likely you are to buy something on the recommendation of a friend than on just seeing a poster or flyer for it. That’s why brand ambassadors are so vital.

Look after your employees

However many employees you have, this is a really important time to stay connected with them and keep an open line of communication. Employee mental health is paramount to a successful business, not to mention healthy and happy people, and keeping your employees feeling positive is vital for you as a business owner. Think about how you can keep them from feeling isolated if you’ve moved to remote working, and keep everyone informed about the state of the business and its future. Employment uncertainty has been a leading cause of stress during the pandemic so keeping everyone in the loop without causing undue worry is important.

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Stay in touch

Now more than ever you can use your social media to stay in touch with your customers. Social media use has soared during the lockdown, with more of us than ever logging on, and browsing throughout the day. 90% of consumers believe businesses should continue to advertise during the Covid-19 pandemic, and even more, were in support of the message being supportive of the local community. This is where being a smaller business is a huge advantage – you can spend time and energy really tailoring your message to suit your customer, and keeping them informed of your decisions.  

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