4 Expert Tips For Hiring Young Talent For Your Business

October 6, 2020 - 5 minutes read - Business Management, Contributed Posts

Hiring young people for your business is like getting a fresh coat of paint for your walls. So much ambition, passion, and creativity are what they bring to the table. Experienced staff is no doubt extremely valuable, but young and inexperienced people have to start somewhere right? They might not have an edge in the field of experience, but young minds can be very helpful in the means of growth, creativity, and communication. They know what their generation wants. They have innovative ideas that can sell tremendously. 

So if you’re planning on hiring some young talent for your business, and have some doubts about their lack of experience, and what should you look for instead, keep in mind these expert tips to help you out through the way!

Use Social Media Platforms

One of the things businesses miss to target is social media, it’s not just a great place for entertainment, it is also a great tool for data analysis. Hiring through social media is effective because young people are mostly found online. These tools have pre-set filters to narrow down choices like experience, age, location, willingness to relocate, etc. This is really helpful in narrowing down your choices and makes the Interviewing process short and effective. 

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If your target audience is youngsters then spreading the word around through social media platforms is your best bet. As explained here, 84% of the industries now use social media to recruit young talent.

Look Beyond the Resume 

Going to IVY league schools is amazing, so many people dream of it their whole lives, but a great college is not the only thing you should be looking forward to. You have plenty of well-educated employees working for you already. What you’re looking for is talent, innovation, and people who can sell your ideas to their generation. What young people lack in experience, they make up in creativity. 

Go For Soft Skills

Gen Z and Millennials are no short of technical skills but the soft skills of the younger generations are under debate. The reason being less human interaction of these generations than the previous ones. To evaluate the soft skills of your potential candidate, you can hold ice-breaking challenges, group discussions, and negotiations and mock team presentations in one phase of recruitment. This will help you see if the person you’re hiring brings value to the table or not. Knowing your team members’ and employees’ mental, emotional, and psychological health improves your business because after all, these are the very people that are leading your company. 

Commitment and Dedication

According to a study by Harvard, millennial employees tend to change their jobs every 6 months, because they have long term commitment issues. And that’s where your next target comes in. Look for people who are willing to commit to your business for a long time. Talent is no use without a sense of dedication. What you need is people willing to go all the way! 

While young people have a reputation for job-hopping, you can always find people who are willing to stay at the job and stick to your business for a reasonable amount of time. One way to find such people is to ask them their career goals, and where they expect themselves to be over the next few years. If their career goals are what you are looking for in your employees, Voilà! 

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Successful corporations know what young employees bring to the table. Businesses simply can’t operate without hiring people of all age groups, especially young people, because if you need to progress, you need to target a large age group. Only people belonging to a specific age group know what their generation wants. So, If you’re looking for effective methods to hire young talent, which includes what to look for in them, and where to look for them, use these tips to shortlist the right candidates for the job you’re looking for and make a valuable addition to your assets. 

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