business process outsourcing

3 Kinds of Business Process Outsourcing Business Owners Should Be Using

March 12, 2019 - 10 minutes read - Business Management, Mod Marketing

As a business owner, it’s not unusual for you to wear many hats and dabble into different areas of your company. But sometimes, these unrelated tasks take too much of your time that you’re already losing your focus.

If you are always struggling to get things done, it can be very challenging for you to grow your business into what you want it to be. Business Process Outsourcing is one of the quickest and most efficient answer to your problem.

What is Business Process Outsourcing?

Business Process Outsourcing is a practice where a company subcontracts its various functions and tasks to third-party companies. While this is not a new practice, it was mostly just implemented by large organizations and multinational companies.

In recent years, technology has made BPO services more accessible to businesses of any size. With the internet making means of communication easier and more affordable, there are more BPO providers available to cater to small and medium businesses. Now, even a one-man start-up company can run a successful business by outsourcing different business functions to BPO companies.

Why should you use business process outsourcing services?

Are you struggling to meet deadlines and customer demands? Is your staff overworked trying to solve an issue they’re not familiar with? These are just some obvious signs that you should consider business process outsourcing.

Many businesses, especially smaller firms, think that they will save more money by doing everything in-house. But as your business grows, it can be very difficult to keep up with the rising demands. Business process outsourcing can be very convenient because you can free up your time and you can focus more on your business without the need to commit to a long-term hire and burden yourself with high operational costs.

Many BPO companies operate remotely. This means you have the opportunity to consult with global talent and you’re not only limited to hiring an employee in your local town or city. BPO services are also great if you require a specialized skill set but you are unsure how long you would need these business process outsourcing services for. This saves you a lot of time and money because you won’t need to hire a new employee. Instead, you are guaranteed that you’ll have experts who can deliver the requirement.

The Top BPOs you should consider using

When you finally decide that you need outside help, sometimes it can be confusing on what tasks to outsource. The final decision will really depend on the nature of your business and what your strengths are. But whatever industry you’re in, below are three processes that will save you a lot of time and effort if you outsource them.

Marketing Services

In order for you to grow your customer base and widen your reach, you need to have an amazing marketing strategy. However, hiring an expert marketer or maintaining your own marketing department is not cheap. Most small businesses cannot afford to hire an in-house marketer because of high overhead costs so they just end up doing the marketing themselves.  That’s why it makes much more sense to outsource the work to a specialist marketing agency for this purpose.

Outsourcing your marketing means that you only need to pay the company for services rendered, rather than having a full-time staff in-house. This means you get to take advantage of their expertise without going through the hiring process. You also have access to a whole team instead of having to rely on one or two people for all of your marketing needs. If you are currently doing the marketing of your own business, it also saves you a lot of time so you can focus more on what you are really good at.

Marketing companies live and breathe marketing so they are always up to date on the latest tools and techniques being used in the market. Keeping up with the ever-changing marketing trends especially when it comes to online marketing is not an easy task. It can take you a lot of hours just trying to learn how new Facebook ad rules work or what SEO can do for you. If you hire a specialist team, you won’t need to second guess what to do next.

See also  5 Advantages of Outsourcing to Scale Your Startup Agency

Email Automation Services

Email marketing is not a new thing but it has greatly evolved since it was first utilized as a promotional tool for businesses. Years back, you would need a salesperson penning up emails one by one with the goal of closing a sale. Now this service can be automated.

You might be thinking why you should pay for a service that you can do yourself. The simple answer is time efficiency. With an email automation provider, you can send newsletters, personalized messages and other reminders that are targeted to each of your customer’s interests.

You will also be able to keep track of who your more engaged customers are, send follow-ups to unresponsive contacts and maintain an organized database. Of course, it is essential that you choose the right company because you wouldn’t want to have your emails just go directly to spam. If you work with foreign audiences and need some extra editing from native speakers, it would be wise to look for some help from professional translation companies that can be found on this website called The Word Point.

Managed Print Services

Small businesses usually do not have the luxury of having a dedicated IT team or even an IT person full-time. Usually, business owners take up the responsibility of buying printers, computers, and other office equipment.

While setting up these devices yourself is manageable, the problem arises when something breaks down. When you’re just a small company, you don’t have spare machines or printers lying around so this can really affect your daily workflow.

Calling an IT repair company typically takes a few days or even weeks to schedule. And trying to fix it yourself just worsens the problem and can waste a lot of your time.

In order to avoid these gaps, you can trust that managed print services will ensure that your printer will always work smoothly.

Managed print services work by providing a state of the art printer and copier on lease. The printer is connected to the service provider so they can see when your machine is running low on toner, and will order in the supplies you need before they run out. Leasing a printer via a managed print service also means you don’t have to front the cost of buying a machine brand new, which can commonly cost into the thousands.

This type of BPO service also offers remote diagnostics–a remote form of troubleshooting if there is an issue with your printer. Consultants can easily troubleshoot the problem immediately, or send a technician out if the problem can’t be resolved remotely.

Outsourcing printer care means business owners don’t need to employ their own IT staff. And in most cases, fixing printers isn’t in a normal IT person’s job description, so managed print services can allow them to get on with their normal tasks.

Streamline your business processes with outsourcing

Outsourcing some of your business functions can save you a lot of time and essential resources. At the same time, you will be able to boost your productivity and grow your business while having the time to focus on what you are good at.

Learn The Secrets To Scaling Your Agency Fast Through Outsourcing

Whether you’re looking to partner with a digital agency to help manage your client work or are looking to hire a part-time freelancer to schedule your social media, check out my free video training where I reveal 3 outsourcing secrets to help you scale your agency fast. Advantages of Outsourcing Video Training


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