Looking For A Trustworthy SEO Company?

September 13, 2012 - 4 minutes read - Best Internet Marketing Company, SEO

Common sense dictates that hiring an outside SEO company with decades of experience, tons of time and extra resources to focus on your web presence is a smart decision. If you were to pay a full-time employee to do this same work in-house, you’d have to pay at least $4,000 a month — and that doesn’t even include time spent on social media or copywriting… that doesn’t include health insurance or benefits… just bare bones SEO. Yet, in this crazy world, it’s so important that you hire a trustworthy SEO company so you don’t end up worse off than before.

The Horror Stories

  • One elderly woman had a website selling miniature donkeys (“min-donkeys”). A new SEO expert working on her case figured out why her site had such a high bounce rate… the previous SEO guy used long-tail keywords that attracted people looking for bestiality porn!!! Can you imagine?!?
  • A real estate agent had 30,000 pages dropped from Yahoo for “illegal link-farming activity” and lost the site completely for an entire week when the SEO hire’s server went down! That is not very professional at all!
  • Another company’s SEO hire changed 3,000 URLs overnight. Despite the diligent research into the best possible URLs, the fact that it was all done at once sent up all the red flags to the search engines and the site watched its traffic dwindle down to 1/3 the size over the next 3 months. It was 6 more months before they recovered!
  • Just after the holiday season last year, J.C. Penney was reprimanded by Google for illegal linking. A spokesperson from the company said she had no idea their website link was being attached to the bottom of sites like  Nuclear.EngineeringAddict.com, Casino-Focus.com, BulgarianPropertyPortal.com and EliteListofBanks.com — which obviously have nothing to do with the department store.

SEO Scams

You’ll find there are many SEO companies that spin quite a tale. According to Business2Community.com, the top SEO scams include: promising results by a specific date, selling more than 500 links, offering free trial SEO services, promising to “know” Google’s algorithm, and being secretive about how results are obtained. As UnstuckDigital reports, if it sounds too good to be true — it is!

A Trustworthy SEO Company Understands That Good Old-Fashioned Tactics Work!

Here at Mod Girl Marketing, there are some things we know to be true. One is that fixing code violation errors and broken links is a way to boost traffic overnight, without doing anything illegal. Another is that “Content is King” — and will be forever. There is nothing sweeter for online marketing than to create relevant, interesting and useful content that people crave. The best SEO is a careful blend of content creation, web design, thoughtful linking, PPC ads, and social media sharing. Lastly, your site should be growing organically at a steady pace — and that takes time. Within 6 months, you will see a noticeable difference in your web traffic and it will be even better within a year! Don’t believe the hype. Slow and steady wins the race!

Contact us today to learn more about our customized SEO services!

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