Tips For Creating A Winning Social Media Photo Strategy

October 23, 2020 - 6 minutes read - Contributed Posts, Social Media

Using visual content on your social media pages is one of the best ways to encourage engagement. Users respond to images and videos much better than they do to simple text posts and they are far more likely to share them with friends. However, if you want your social media photos to make an impact, it’s important that the quality is professional, which is where a lot of businesses struggle. 

Ideally, you should be posting at least one image each day, which is a lot of pictures. How are you supposed to find that many good opportunities for photos and make sure that all of those photos look amazing? If you are struggling to manage photos on your social media pages, here are a few important tips to follow. 

Consider Your Audience 

If you want to find opportunities for social media photos, it’s important that you consider your audience and what they are likely to respond to. The trick is to find interesting images that relate to your business and your customers, but also to extend further outside your own products. It is, of course, important to post good quality images of your products from time to time but you should look for other things that may be of interest to your customers. 

For example, if you run a business that sells auto parts online, you should look for any opportunities to photograph unique cars. You could head down to a classic car convention and take a bunch of photos there. That gives you plenty of content that you know is going to resonate well with your customer base but you’re not just putting up boring photos of your own products all of the time. Finding more interesting images gives people a reason to follow your social media pages, so think outside the box. 

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Photograph Behind The Scenes 

Taking photos of your business behind the scenes is a brilliant way to engage your customers. People like to feel as though they are a valued part of your business. Giving them some insight into the way that things work behind the scenes gives a feeling of exclusivity to your social media pages, which plays very well with potential customers. This is a particularly good strategy when you are developing new products because posting photos of the process gets people excited. 

Behind the scenes footage is also a great opportunity for video marketing as well. Think of it as a short documentary that gives the customer an exclusive look inside the business and allows them to get to know your team. Adding more personality to the business by publishing footage of your team is a great way to build trust with customers.  

Organize Your Photos 

If you want to post a photo on your social media every day, you need to prepare ahead of time and make sure that you have a large stock of photos to draw from. But when you have hundreds, if not thousands of photos to deal with, it’s tough to find that one that you want to post. That’s why you need to find a way to organize your photos properly. There are some great photo organization apps that make this a lot easier for you (follow the link to read more about the best ones). You should also make a habit of naming photos straight away and putting them into folders. That way, when you want to post them, you can easily find them. 

Taking Better Photos 

If your photos aren’t brilliant, there are a few simple tips to help you take better pictures for your social media pages. Firstly, use the rule of thirds in all of your photos. This is a simple technique that is used in most photos and it works by splitting the frame into a 3×3 grid and then positioning the subject of the photo on the areas where the lines intersect. Most cameras and smartphones will allow you to put a grid on to make this a lot easier. 

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Looking for symmetry is a simple way to take striking photos as well. Even though we might not realize it, our brains enjoy symmetry and when people see a symmetrical image, they are immediately drawn to it. 

Using reflections to capture your subject instead of photographing it directly is another great way to add more dimensions to your photo and make it a lot more interesting. This kind of thing plays well on social media, so don’t be afraid to experiment.

As long as you follow these tips, you can create a social media photo strategy that really works. 

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