Stop Wasting Your Time On LinkedIn Zombies

November 15, 2023 - 1 minute read - LinkedIn Strategy, LinkedIn Tips

Want to get more replies from prospects?

Then quit sending LinkedIn messages to users who rarely log in.

Go find your prospects who actually use this platform.

It’s easy to find them.


Use the Sales Navigator spotlights feature.

It will filter out inactive users who rarely log in.

You want these two groups:

Group #1: Active Posters

These are the people who have posted on LinkedIn in the past 30 days.

This is where spotlights come in.

Once you have your ICP parameters set up, use the feature to filter to “posted in the last 30 days.”

You’ll see anyone who’s posted and you can engage with them.

Group #2: People Who Engage But Don’t Post

These people may not be posting but they are commenting, liking, and active.

Look at their LinkedIn feed. See if they are active at all even if they aren’t posting.

If so, start the process of engaging and reaching out.

And if you really want your team to master Sales Nav, reach out and we can chat.

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