3 Reasons Why Most Business SEO Services Fail

October 18, 2012 - 4 minutes read - Blog, SEO

Here at Mod Girl Marketing, we get a lot of clients who have defected from other business SEO providers. They understand that Search Engine Optimization is a MUST in today’s day and age, but they spent over 6 months with a company that just couldn’t produce the results they were looking for. More often than not, we hear, “They started off great and we saw an overnight jump in traffic, but over time, the results tapered off and we weren’t even ranking on the first page anymore.” In some cases, companies went from 1st page Google results to virtual obscurity — suddenly, and without warning. “What gives?” they ask. Here are the top 3 reasons why most business SEO services fail miserably.

They’re Still Writing For Google… Not For Audiences.

We’re guilty of it too. Once upon a time, we had a long-tail keyword phrase in every single paragraph. Our content never appeared “spammy,” so we found that — by using professional journalist copywriters — we could weave keywords into our blogs organically to achieve top results. However, this all changed when Google posted the PENGUIN update, punishing what they considered to be “overly optimized” sites. Luckily, we had been eyeing these updates for quite some time and we were able to continue providing great service for our clients without a hitch. Yet, there are still many content producers standing by the old guard… perhaps not as up to date with the news as they should be!

They Are Obsessed With Internal Linking — And Black Hat SEO.

Links are relevant, but they only really account for 15 percent of your overall traffic. If you have a WordPress website, then you have probably noticed by now — there are TONS and TONS of spam-bots! It strikes me as crazy that someone would actually pay to have me delete all their useless and poorly written comments. Do ANY of these links get through? We prefer to use social media as a place to publish links — not old-fashioned “link farm” websites or completely random trafficked blogs that have no relevance to your industry whatsoever. Sadly, there are many scam artist companies out there that employ every dirty trick in the book to help you rank. This might work for a short time, but once these tactics are discovered, your site will be banished into virtual obscurity!

They Aren’t Tracking In-Depth Results.

Every SEO company has some type of analytics software. They need to demonstrate that they’re actually doing something to get paid, after all. They’ll probably tell you how many spots you’ve moved up in your ranking or what keywords are bringing the most traffic to you. Yet, SEO is not just about your ranking in the search engines. REALLY GOOD SEO has to be about RESULTS. What good is traffic if people are just bouncing off your site within seconds or failing to convert from browsers into customers? That’s why it’s very important to find popular SEO companies that can deliver reliable results that actually move the needle and help your business grow and prosper. We do a lot of A/B tests and track more in-depth analytics to find the most efficient strategies for your bottom line.

Let Mod Girl Marketing employ the most modern, effective Business SEO Services to convert your traffic into customers! Contact Mod Girl Marketing today for customized recommendations for your business.

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