Your #1 Tip To Becoming A LinkedIn Influencer

December 29, 2020 - 1 minute read - LinkedIn, Thought Leadership

As you’re planning your LinkedIn strategy for 2021, here’s a reminder.

You don’t need to imitate the influencers.

Start small, be yourself, and do your own thing.

The influencers you follow all started somewhere.

They got to where they are by testing and figuring things out. 

That is exactly what YOU need to do.

What works for them may not work for you.

Content that goes viral for them may not go viral for you.

Remember that we all have unique experiences, unique goals, unique audiences, unique traits.

Embrace that. 

See also  Why Storytelling Is An Effective Way To Sell To Your Prospects

Don’t overthink it. Don’t overdo it.

You don’t need to post 2+ times per day.

Focus on QUALITY over quantity. 

Try new things in 2021 that makes you step outside of your comfort zone.

Watch this 45-second video to learn why you shouldn’t model LinkedIn influencers.

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