Blog Writing Services For Small Businesses

November 29, 2012 - 3 minutes read - Blog, Blog Creation, Blogging, Business Branding

The Internet is a vast sea of services for small businesses looking to make a mark. The early years are spent “boot-strapping” and carefully judging where each valuable marketing dollar is best spent. I, too, run a small business with a team of core professionals — web designers, SEO experts, social media marketers and writers — so I know what it’s like trying to churn a profit in such a competitive environment.

One of the things I’ve learned over the years is that…

NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, can replace the value of well-written content. Second only to referrals, the best and most qualified leads come to Mod Girl Marketing from our blogs, articles and press releases.

This sentiment is echoed by Bill Faeth, president of Inbound Marketing Agents. “A high volume of quality web content sets small businesses apart from their competitors and levels the marketing playing field with larger companies. By providing value to prospects, companies who employ content marketing are optimally positioned for rapid growth.”

Blog writing services for small businesses will benefit you by…

  • Keeping your name fresh in the mind of prospects.
  • Building a loyal following of people who will buy from you again and again.
  • Showing search engines that you are fresh, relevant and worthy of 1st page positioning.
  • Giving you something to post on your social media networks to connect wherever buyers are.
  • Engaging audiences to ask for valuable feedback.
  • Demonstrating your expertise, which could lead to public speaking events.  
  • Sharing your brand story, which may attract journalists.
  • Reeling in traffic to your main website.
  • Entertaining readers to encourage sharing, which in turn, increases your brand’s scope.
  • Alerting customers about new products, promotions, or company announcements.

Perhaps you are wondering what we have to offer here at Mod Girl Marketing.

As another small business owner, I understand that budgets change from month to month, which is why you are never “locked” into a contract. I also know that individual needs may vary as well, which is why my blogging packages are flexible. You can choose for 2 blogs/week, 1 blog/week, 2 blogs/month, or even just 1 blog a month. We can start at whatever pace is most comfortable for you. I recommend going with 1 blog a week to keep the wheels spinning so you can gain noticeable traction.

You can send us the topics you’d like covered or we can research what people in your industry are buzzing about. Of course, our SEO experts will conduct competitive keyword research for you to ensure success as well. With Mod Girl Marketing, you are assured top-notch writers who speak English as a first language and possess Bachelor’s Degrees in English or Communication. In fact, you get the same writing team I use for my own marketing materials. Why settle for less? I didn’t!

Please contact me to discuss blog writing services for small businesses.

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