How To Turn Your Customers Questions Into LinkedIn Content
December 2, 2021 - 1 minute read - LinkedIn, LinkedIn Content StrategyCustomers are your best source of content ideas.
So make sure you are leveraging them.
By paying attention to what they are saying.
Get a system down for gathering intel from your customers and prospects.
Questions, comments, feedback – everything they say can be leveraged for content.
Your community will resonate with your brand when you speak like them by:
Addressing their pain points.
Answering their questions.
Letting them know that you care.
Watch this 1-minute video above for some ideas on how you can start leveraging your customers to help you create content that converts.
Plus, I reveal how I create a lot of content in a short amount of time.
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Tags: Branding, customer engagement, Linkedin, LinkedIn content, LinkedIn Content Strategy, LinkedIn strategy, LinkedIn Success, LinkedIn Tips