Why You Should Focus On LinkedIn To Grow Your Brand

January 21, 2021 - 2 minutes read - Branding, LinkedIn

Do you really need to join Clubhouse? Serious question. 

Is the hype real? Serious question #2.

Just because the “cool” kids are using it doesn’t mean you have to be.

You know what’s cool? 



Targeted exposure.

And you don’t get that by diving into every hot trend that drops in your lap.

You get it by FOCUS.

There’s always going to be a hot social media “thing.” 

And YOU need to spend your time on the “things” that matter.

If you think Clubhouse can genuinely help your career/business, check it out.

But, you don’t need yet another social media network to take up your time.

Yes, I did join Clubhouse after an invite but haven’t spent much time on it yet.

Because you are reading this, I am inclined to tell you to focus on LinkedIn.

If you want to know exactly what efforts to focus on for quick results, join me LIVE on LinkedIn every 2nd Thursday of the month at 12 pm PT / 3 pm ET.

See also  Why Posting Content On LinkedIn Is Not Enough To Build Your Brand

For even more tips on how to build your LinkedIn presence and stand out, make sure to connect with me there.

If you want more valuable insights and LinkedIn tips delivered straight to your inbox every Thursday, make sure to subscribe to my weekly LinkedIn Insiders Newsletter. Just click the button below to subscribe.

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