Are You Taking A Holistic SEO Approach For 2016?

Are You Taking A Holistic SEO Approach For 2017?

January 28, 2016 - 5 minutes read - SEO

Research keywords relevant to your target market. Create landing pages and articles based on those keywords. Does this SEO strategy sound familiar? It should, since this has been the prevailing approach to gaining search engine ranking for years. Yet, the grounds are shifting and forward-thinking businesses are focusing on the development of user-driven content and using their company websites as an extension of customer service.

Holistic SEO vs Old SEO

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Why Adopt A Holistic SEO Strategy?

As Yoast puts it, holistic SEO is all about building a quality website. Instead of focusing on “gaming the system,” you set your sights on honing your technical SEO skills, creating a favorable user experience, sharing quality content with your audience and keeping your site secure. As they explain, “Attractive websites have a lower bounce rate and a much higher chance to receive social media attention.” Furthermore, holistic websites have better conversions — and who doesn’t want that?

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Are You Thinking Holistically About Your SEO?

Search Engine Watch recommends asking yourself the following questions to determine if your SEO is holistic:

  • Are you passionate about your offerings?
  • Is user experience your first concern when you create new pages and sites?
  • Do you order new content without giving your writers specific keywords to use?
  • Does each page on your site hold value for visitors, rather than trying to rank for a term or market?
  • Does your site lack pages developed for cross-selling opportunities that may not be relevant to your audience?
  • Do you think about how link opportunities will affect your brand before accepting?
  • Do you consider more than just PageRank when determining link quality (like Trust Rank and relevance?
  • Do you think about ways that social media and SEO can help each other?
  • Is social media engagement part of your business goals?

Download our eBook and Discover 8 Stupid Simple Social Media Tricks to Boost SEO.

What Does Holistic SEO Look Like?

Search Engine Land explains exactly what it looks like to think of your search engine optimization in more holistic terms. They wanted to market an upcoming event. Instead of creating a keyword-based page for the event or embedding links in every forum they could find, they took a big picture approach that included:

  • The creation of an event page on their website that contained benefits of attending, speaker bios and a schedule
  • On-page optimization for the event page, as well as structured data markup from
  • A Google Map embed to help visitors find the location easier
  • Social and email sharing buttons
  • An RSVP contact form
  • An optimized YouTube video published to their channel and embedded on the website event page
  • A blog post highlighting the event with internal links to the event page
  • Email marketing correspondence sent out to all newsletter subscribers
  • Social media posts with a unique hashtag
  • A press release including backlinks to the event page
  • Paid search and Facebook Newsfeed Ad campaigns
  • Influencer marketing via social media with tracking of social signals and brand mentions

sales funnel

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How To Make The Switch To Holistic SEO

Mod Girl Marketing can help your company make the switch to more modern search engine optimization practices that go beyond keyword competition and create a better all-around user experience. An important part of creating a better user experience involves understanding the sales funnel and the customer journey through your online marketing.

You’ll need accurate data and reporting that delivers relevant information to your corporate decision makers. Mod Girl consultants can help make that happen and advise you on the best choices for engaging prospects and existing customers every step of the way — with the right content, automated social media and email messaging, offers and actions.

Keywords aren’t entirely dead in the world of content marketing, but there is more emphasis on long tail keyword sequences — which we can help you identify.

To remain competitive, you’ve got to have the right digital marketing tools at your disposal. We’ll get you set up with everything you need (based on your unique business goals, market, industry, company size, competition and budget).

Contact Mod Girl Marketing to learn more about our custom SEO consulting and holistic SEO audits.

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