How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile for Maximum Results – Podcast

July 30, 2022 - 1 minute read - LinkedIn, Podcast

Stop overthinking everything.

In life and on LinkedIn. 😉

From the outside looking in, LinkedIn can seem like “the intimidating” social network.

It’s not filled with viral videos like TikTok

It’s not full of stylish influencers like Instagram

It’s not as busy with clamoring opinions as Twitter

But LinkedIn does serve an important purpose.

To build meaningful relationships that have the potential to lead to new awesome opportunities.

It all starts with authenticity.

Be authentic.

Take an interest in your prospects. Engage with their content, and look at what they are doing.

That is the key to building successful relationships on this platform.

In this interview above with Corey Andrew Powell from The National Society of Leadership and Success, I share why engagement is key to increasing your connection rates on LinkedIn. 

You can listen to the full podcast episode here.

Interested in learning more about how we help sales teams build meaningful relationships that lead to sales opportunities on LinkedIn? Send me a message.

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