Why Your Sales Team Needs LinkedIn Training

February 16, 2023 - 1 minute read - LinkedIn, LinkedIn Content Strategy

If you didn’t know…

42% of buyers are checking your sales reps’ LinkedIn profiles

37% are checking your LinkedIn company page

32% are reviewing content posted on LinkedIn

(Source: State of Sales on LinkedIn Report, 2022)

Your buyers are checking you out before they make their decision.

They must see you as an expert, THE expert, in your industry.

They must see the value that your company and team provide without having to dig for it.

See also  Three LinkedIn Prospecting Shortcuts To Use Today

Your team needs an optimized LinkedIn presence.

Your company page needs the right information and content.

How do you get that?

In short, me.

The long(er) version?

Dynamic interactive training that teaches your sales teams the ins and outs of LinkedIn including prospecting, Sales Navigator, and of course their LinkedIn profiles…

…Followed by a hands-on workshop where they implement what they’ve learned in real-time.

If you want to learn more about how to empower your team to see positive, lasting results on LinkedIn, send me a message.

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