Another Happy Mod Girl Customer – Raving Testimonial

Published on January 11, 2012

We at Mod Girl Marketing love internet marketing…but we especially love to make our clients…

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Mod Girl Partners with Leading Pay Per Click Company!

Published on December 21, 2011

Mod Girl has partnered with a leading technology company to offer premium Pay-Per-Click advertising services…

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Why a Content Marketing Strategy is a MUST for SEO

Published on October 20, 2011

Mod Girl has been saying it since day 1, content is king! With all the…

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Why You Need Small Business Web Marketing

Published on September 21, 2011

Hi there, everyone! One thing we like to do here at Mod Girl Marketing is…

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Business Blog Design to Meet All Your Blogging Needs

Published on September 14, 2011

Approximately 65 percent of all companies own a blog these days, which is up from 48 percent in 2009, according to Hubspot’s State of Inbound Marketing study. Content creation has been steadily on the rise as more businesses look for cost-effective ways to court new clients, create brand impressions, and attract search engine traffic. While it’s easy for any business to start their own WordPress blog, keep in mind that the business blog design is your first impression with prospective readers. You want it to look not only professional, but also branded and original.

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10 Things Everyone Should Know About SEO in 2011

Published on September 6, 2011

You don’t have to spend too much time in the SEO world to know that there’s a heck of a lot of contradictory information about there. As an SEO consultant, what is common knowledge to you reads like black magic rocket science to someone else. And sometimes that can be okay – it’s job security. But when it’s NOT okay is when the person infected with Bad SEO Information-itis is your boss. Or a client. Or that designer you’ve been tasked with working with. Or anyone else you need to have a basic understanding of SEO so that YOU can do your job without their meddling more effectively.

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Hurricane @Irene and Small Business Online Marketing?

Published on September 1, 2011

I’m not going to mince words here: sitting at my family dinner, I was utterly captivated by Hurricane Irene! “This is going to be the worst storm to hit the Atlantic seaboard in 50 years,” newscasters were telling me. Even though all I could see was an amazing array of fancy graphics, confusing charts that showed the hurricane spinning off in all different devastating directions, several amateur cell phone camera videos of swaying trees, and a few newscasters in neon slickers getting pelted by rain drops… you had this ominous sense that: It was coming!

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New Research Shows Adult Usage of Social Media Soaring

Published on August 30, 2011

Sixty-five percent of all U.S. adults now use social-networking sites, up from 61% a year ago and just 5% in 2005, reports Pew Research Center. The findings are based on telephone interviews conducted in April and May by Princeton Survey Research Associates International.

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New Domain Structures Could Eliminate the Need for Google in 2012?

Published on August 12, 2011

I came across this very interesting article today on the new plan for domain name structure and how it could change the SEO industry forever. Not only that, but it could decrease our need for Google.. yes that’s right, you may not need Google 5 years from now! I still find it hard to believe, but nevertheless this info is very,very interesting and could definitely change the search engine marketing game forever…especially in the local markets. This new process is said to start in January 2012.

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What Do The London Riots Mean For Social Media?

Published on August 10, 2011

How will the London riots affect social media? YouTube and Twitter use always surges during times of major upheaval, whether it’s a natural disaster or the London riots. Yesterday there were over 3.4 million UK visits to Twitter, which was up 15 percent from their busiest day to date. In fact, 1 in every 170 web searches landed Britons on, according to Experian-Hitwise analytics.

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