Experts Say 2013 Poised As “Year of Content Marketing”

August 23, 2012 - 3 minutes read - Blog, Blogging, Content Writing, Mod Marketing

You can have a pretty-looking website or social media page, but what is your company’s online presence really if you don’t have substantial content to back it up? Business2Community’s Tom Pick compares it to judging a book by a cover or a wine by its label. Today’s consumer wants an honest-to-goodness sample of what your company can deliver.

Why 2013 Is The Year of Content Marketing

Pick goes on to argue that there are several major reasons why web marketing relies on content now more than ever. First of all, the growth of social media this year has proven that there are hungry consumers for content out there. Sites like Facebook and Twitter rely on a steady stream of links to content to generate buzz and give people something to talk about all day long.

Another reason is that Google keeps changing their algorithm to discourage regurgitation of content and encourage more intelligent thought online. In the past, we could optimize our way around content with link-building and keyword tricks. Today, it’s harder and harder to do that. Advanced algorithms can even pick up duplicate content, so forget about the old days of cut-and-paste.

Thirdly, content helps us be more competitive in the Information Era. Everyone is online clamoring for data. It’s no longer about having the best product, the lowest price or the biggest marketing budget. You need to have a content marketing strategy that connects buyers with your expertise if you want to be noticed.

Lastly, there is a hunger for updated news. Creating a regular publishing calendar is important because it gives consumers a reason to come back to you as their authority on a given topic. After a certain number of visits, the positive impression will inevitably lead to action. Often times, blogs and social media posts directly influence buyer behavior. A good content management strategy will keep your brand name in the forefront of people’s imaginations.

See also  How Often Should You Be Posting On LinkedIn?

The Rise of Content Marketing

If you haven’t noticed, people are voraciously consuming content online all day long. Businesses understand they must sink or swim in this busy environment. Did you know the average Facebook user shares 70 unique pieces of content each month? There are over 2 billion YouTube videos watched each day. More than half of all companies are actively blogging, posting to social media sites and creating e-newsletters on a monthly basis.

content marketing

The Importance of Strategic Thinking…

According to marketing educator Dragan Mestrovic, companies who operate a regular corporate blog receive:

  • 55 percent more web traffic.
  • 97 percent more inbound links.
  • 434 percent more pages indexed in search engines.
  • 25 times’ more business leads.

Furthermore, companies that refined their content marketing strategy reported an astonishing 2,000 percent increase in blog traffic and 40 percent boost in revenue!

Contact Mod Girl Marketing about content marketing this year.

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