How To Find Your Customers On LinkedIn

How To Find Your Customers On LinkedIn

February 7, 2022 - 6 minutes read - LinkedIn, LinkedIn Content, LinkedIn Tips

LinkedIn hosts a community of more than 660 million professionals. No matter the size or specialization of your business, chances are that your future customers are out there on the platform.

Finding them and getting through with the right message? Therein lies a marketer’s challenge.

Efficiently growing the customer base is a central goal for every organization, but especially those small-to-medium sized businesses (SMBs) facing the added challenge of building targeted awareness for their budding brands. LinkedIn offers many features and capabilities to spur organic traction, and in the past, we have highlighted some of the SMBs that are excelling on this front with the best small business LinkedIn Pages we’ve seen.

Our research has found that a subset of SMB owners with a common set of traits are finding higher levels of success on LinkedIn:

  • They’re more connected, with complete profiles and robust networks
  • They initiate more lead generation actions
  • They message more frequently and run more people searches on the platform

In other words, as a small business owner or leader, taking an active approach to growing your personal brand and network on LinkedIn tends to yield strong corresponding results for the organization. You can learn more about the balance between managing your personal profile and LinkedIn Page here.

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Today, we’re sharing some insider tips from SMB leaders who are effectively generating leads and converting customers through savvy LinkedIn marketing techniques.

3 SMB Leaders Share What’s Working for Them on LinkedIn

Mandy McEwen

Founder/CEO, Mod Girl Marketing

There are 2 primary ways I land clients on LinkedIn: via direct outreach and via my content.

Direct outreach involves connecting with a specific type of LinkedIn user (buyer persona) and starting a conversation via messages.

I also devise a content calendar for my LinkedIn posts, which includes daily posts around a variety of topics my target market would find valuable. It’s amazing when I get on a call with leads who came through via our website and when I ask how they heard about Mod Girl, they mention they’ve been following me on LinkedIn for quite a while and reading my content. Which is obviously great to hear because, as marketers, we often wonder, “Is anyone seeing this?”

Mandy McEwen - LinkedIn Marketing Solutions

Trust me, they are! When you have leads that consume your content before they reach out, you’ve already built a level of trust with them and proven your expertise, which makes selling that much easier.

Something that does not work when it comes to landing clients on LinkedIn is sending sales-y messages trying to pitch your services. There are so many people doing this right now and it’s not helping their cause. You must build relationships FIRST and come from a place of value. Never “sell” via messages — save that for the phone.

When you have leads that consume your content before they reach out, you’ve already built a level of trust with them and proven your expertise, which makes selling that much easier. — Mandy McEwen

Find More Guidance: How to Boost Your B2B Content Strategy and the New, Free LinkedIn Page Feature that Can Help

AJ Wilcox

Founder, B2Linked

SMBs can take advantage of the excellent free reach on LinkedIn. Share interesting, valuable content from your organization’s Page and then have your employees, partners, and other executives comment and share. This will get your Page in front of their networks for free!

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Small business leaders advertising on LinkedIn should understand that their ideal prospects are there, and highly targetable, but they’re not ready to buy yet and will need some nurturing before pushing right to your sales team. Instead, you’ll want to offer downloadable content in exchange for their contact info. The conversions you generate won’t be ready to hop onto a call just yet, but you’ll generate 10X more conversions for the same price, and they’ll be EXACTLY the right prospects that you want to be talking to.

Share interesting, valuable content from your company’s Page and then have your employees, partners, and other executives comment and share. This will get your Page in front of their networks for free! — AJ Wilcox

Find More Guidance: What’s New with LinkedIn Pages: Tap into Your Employees’ Superpowers

Goldie Chan

Founder, Warm Robots

SMBs are finding more customers on LinkedIn by creating thoughtful case studies of success stories. These pieces of organic content focus on two sides — the product and brand launches that went well and the human stories of people who work at the brand.

Find Your Customers on LinkedIn

When we recently surveyed small business owners, 100% pointed to finding new customers as their No. 1 challenge. No surprise. There are no shortcuts or easy answers, but by adhering to proven practices and learning from the experiences of fast-rising entrepreneurs like Mandy, AJ, and Goldie, you can chart your path on LinkedIn with confidence.

This blog was originally shared on the LinkedIn Marketing Solutions blog.

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